Saturday, November 14, 2009

Goodbye for Now!

Dare to Dream!Make Education Fun!

Dear Mr. Sullivan and EDM Classmates,
It has been a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I feel more empowered to become a teacher today, than ever before, and I know that this is partly due to all of you! The wonderful atmosphere of our class, coupled with the warm and encouraging manner of our teacher made this class most enjoyable.
Mr. Sullivan I wish you and your dear family all of the best in life! I pray that you will complete your endeavor to place a title of Doctor to your name. You do most adamantly deserve to accompany the title to your education, as your spirit already endures your status to be of great admiration to many.
To my fellow classmates I wish each of you joy as you continue your journey though life. I believe your intentions toward teaching to be noble and honorable and pray you find reward in your career.
May your hearts be filled with love and compassion, may your dreams be peaceful and fulfilled, may your worries be few and above all may you feel blessed throughout your life, as I do to have crossed your path during my journey.
God Bless,
Mrs. Angel Padgett

Final Post EDM 310 “Teaching Technology Overview”

Children can do it, so can you!Technology is the Future!
I must admit that my initial ideal of the content matter of this class was significantly separated from the actuality of the course material. My expectations were to further refinement of acquired computer skills to enhance my professional development as a future teacher. At the completion of this course I find that I have done just that but not in the way that I had expected. My role as a teacher will undoubtedly make me an exemplary model for my students thus I must have the ability to navigate technology easily. I will use what I have learned in this course and continue my journey of the exploration of the evolving technologies while also interpreting their best uses in my class.

Particularly the information I acquired in regard to Blogging, Goggle Applications, Wiki Spaces, Questionnaire Implementer, Google Earth, Delicious, Google Wave, tagging a photo, alt tag, Gmail, IGoogle, Twitter, what a technology literate teacher may be, PLN Usages, the future of schools, the dangers of some of these technologies especially social sites, and the obligations of a teacher to be knowledgeable in all of these matters, has for me sparked further interest in investigating all modes of technology. I do believe the use of many of these applications will assist me in the classroom in regard to communication with parents and students, as well as reinforcement options, introduction to new materials and organization. Some of the options I did encounter this semester however have as of yet left me without a definite opinion of their functionality in every classroom. Though I find Podcasting and Vodcasting a stimulating idea in reference to teacher usability for course material, I am still unsure of their immediate transportation methods through ITunes and YouTube. As a teacher I would be interested in accessing course material pertaining to lessons, but am consciously unsure at this venture whether I feel confident in the safety of the modes for my own personal class uploads. None the less I am pleased to have been made aware of this avenue of teaching and learning and look forward to how the future will refine this avenue of education.
To reiterate my earlier statement about my expectations of this class, I had hoped to become more familiar with Smart Board applications, database depth, and or current programs being implemented in schools systems. With all of this said I do understand that Google is one accessible program of sorts which I have learned just what I had expected to learn from this class, though it has not taken off in schools to my knowledge to date. The most stimulating and intellectually challenging aspects of this course on the other hand, was the many options to become inspired and then analyze the information by posting to my blog. This process of critical analysis and self evaluation of thoughts for me was the most important of all material combined.
I would not say that this course was not stimulating or that I found it boring. The course from my understanding set out to do what it was designed to do, introduce upcoming teachers to various forms of technology as well as implementation of these sources. Therefore if I understood the curriculum correctly I feel its design and implementation was adequate. I cannot say I would recommend changes if my understanding of the purpose of the course to be correct.
In conclusion, I find myself to be more aware than some of the extensive possibilities of technology usage in the classroom. I am not certain this makes me technologically literate, though I would suppose compared to some I would be considered so. My definition of someone who is literate is one who has understanding, comprehension, and application of a skill. Therefore from that definition I feel competent at this time. In order for one to maintain literacy in a changing market then, one must continue this competence with ongoing training, which I plan to commit to while I complete my studies at USA. The ability to maintain adequate implementation of the newest technology advances as I graduate and begin teaching will no doubt be made possible by my constant quest and practice of all available resources. I believe myself to have gained awakening from this course in the task of furthering my quest for this knowledge and I do intend on the continued journey.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Using Techology in My Classroom

TSATechnology Student Association Check it OUT!!!
Read Doug Johnson's complete list of both Stupid a Brilliant Classroom Management Skills
Two Stupid Mistakes Teachers make with Technology that I find the Most Ridiculous!
1. Treating a school computer like a home computer. Teachers who use a school computer to run a business, edit their kid's wedding videos, or send tasteless jokes to half of North America (including that fundamentalist math teacher down the hall) are being stupid. Teachers who take their computers home and let their kids hack on them are being stupid. Teachers who don't own a personal computer for personal business deserve to get into well-deserved trouble.
*I believe this is the most important aspect of a Teacher's Classroom Management abilities. I have viewed teacher's who seem to in my opinion disrespect the classroom by doing personal activities during school time, on their school computer. I always found this so distasteful due to the fact that a person cannot give full attention to their job obligations when they are thinking about personal business. It is human nature for your personal life to be of utmost interest to you and therefore you will not give your students the impression that they are as important as your own life.

2. Not supervising computer-using students. It is really stupid to believe Internet filters will keep kids out of trouble on the Internet. If they choose to do so, even the slow kids who can't get around the school's filter, can still exploit that 10 percent of porn sites the filter won't catch. They can still send cyber bullying e-mail -- maybe even using your e-mail address. Or they can just plain waste time.
*Again, this is and has always been a pet peeve of mine in relation to seeing others allowing students to get on their school computers and they are not monitoring what these students are doing. I believe teachers should be a good example to these students and model appropriate behavior. There is a time and a place to view personal sites and at school or your job is not the place to use a computer in that manner. I feel strongly that students should be taught to use personal computers wisely yet, but that when you are in a professional setting you use that technology in a professional way.

Two Great Things Teachers do with Technology!
1. Accept the role of co-leaner. One of the best signs of intelligent people is that they tend to willingly admit when they don't know something. Brilliant teachers not only accept the dismal fact that they will never know all there is to know about technology, they also turn that condition into a classroom advantage by having their brilliant children teach them how to do something techie now and then.
*I TOTALLY agree and have been saying this for years. Why do adults need to be so insecure as to not admit they just cannot know everything? Are they afraid someone will find out they are just not OZ? I have always felt that students tend to shut down or withdraw from teachers who are so dominant in their beliefs and give little room for other possibilities. When you try and force your ideas on someone else without any regard for their thoughts often they stop listening.

2. Use the kids’ own devices to teach them. Brilliant teachers understand the old Arab proverb, "It's easier to steer the camel in the direction it is already heading." Students are increasingly and unstoppably bringing in personal communication devices -- cell phones, cameras, game devices, iPods/mp3 players, netbooks, laptops, and PDAs. Brilliant teachers know how to use cell phones to poll their classes; create podcasts of lectures for later review; use games to teach difficult concepts; and make "Google-jockeys" of student wireless laptop users. Read the report, Pockets of Potential for a great overview of this topic.
*The kids have them, they want to use them, and they’re going to hide them and bring them anyways, so why not make the best of it. I also believe by showing the students we are interested in the things they are doing it will open lines of communications rather than causing underground activates of tech use to peruse. Let's just put it out on the table, you have your phone? Great, let's see it, and see what it can do!

New Classroom Rules: View all 15 New Classroom Rules for the Technology Savvy Classroom of the Future
1. Leave your seat only when necessary, which should be often to go collaborate with others or demonstrate something to the class.
*I really do like the idea of a classroom becoming more mobile. Students learn in different ways, so why do we all have to sit down, are quiet, listen to the lecture, and only speak when spoken to. Do adults think students just don't have opinions, or do they just not care to hear them? I am sure that is what students think. I believe students would blossom with the opportunity to be themselves in school, collaborate, innovate, be creative and show they are learning not just sit there!
2. Do not cheat, but remix, re-purpose, and sample other peoples’ work and ideas and give them credit.
*Telling a toddler not to touch the stove because it is hot does not work any better than telling students not to cheat. So, why not allow them the opportunity to collaborate and learn how to use resources properly, listen to others ideas and become aware of the world. Teaching students to use information correctly is much more important than cramming down their throats not to plagiarize!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Google Wave!

Goggle WaveGo and See what this is all about!

Google Wave

Of all of the technology advancements we have learned about this semester the introduction of the GOOGLE WAVE system is the most fascinating to me personally. As I have stated before in previous blogs, I enjoy using technology and I want to use technology in my classroom, but I just do not have the time to search nor access everything. Google has truly taken the wonders of internet accessibility and combined user friendly applications for use with professional or personal networking at its finest! No longer will we need to blog at BlogSpot, twitter, facebook, email word documents, we can do it all right here on the wave. You can build your own Super Wal-Mart of social communication, collaboration, editing, planning, and much more.
I am really excited to see this idea become reality to view the true genius of programmers thinking out of the box. The use of the internet has encouraged society to be quick paced, on the go, clicking here and there, searching, and finding therefore we are ready to move to the next phase of using technology. Google Wave will be the future of connecting accounts in order to minimize time hassles of wondering around the internet. We will be able to mainstream our processing of both professional and personal tasks to create a more useful and productive management tool.

Michael Wesch's The Machine is Changing Us

Do You believe social networking avilability on the internet is changing you? Watch M. Wesch Presentation and see what you think?

This was yet again a very interesting aspect to consideration of technology and its effects on society. I am not a major social networker not like some of the people being discussed in this presentation. I do use Facebook and through this class have signed up for several other networking sites, however I do not as an average person have time to utilize all of these social sites as well as continue personal relationships with individuals. Manning these sites can prove very time consuming as anyone who has a social networking account can attest too. I enjoy having the option to connect with friends that I do not have a lot of time to usually speak with, but I am not able to communicate on such a wide variety of sites and stay on task with my everyday activities.

I do believe that the availability of social sites as recreational use are wonderful, however, I do think as with any activity that a certain amount of restraint is necessary. Of course some of these sites are wonderful to have as an option for teaching in the classroom. I fear though that some people who cannot control their behavior will eventually reduce the options of which sites may be utilized. It is very true that we as a society are becoming less capable of social interaction due to increased technological advancements that encourage a more individualized approach to communication. I still prefer one on one interaction for the most part, though I can understand the allure of communicating without having to leave your house or actually speak directly with a person.

Is this type of communication causing us to internalize our intrapersonal behavior with a more interpersonal approach? Quite possibly yes. If a human is given the option to communicate without the confrontations of some human interactions, of course why wouldn't they choose that option? Also when verbal communication face to face becomes too hostile again why not use the comfort of a computer, cell phone texting, messaging system, etc. to communicate your feelings without facing the consequences as severely. Can we then be evaluating who we are through ourselves rather than through the sometimes restrictive and judgmental eyes of others? Where this discussion will lead us is very interesting indeed. It may very well change the way teachers relate to students as the next generation of students develop personal skills.

Posting Work to Blogs

Pt. England, New ZealandPt. England

One obvious reason it is important to post student work to blogs is for recognition of their hard work. In the case of The class PS22 in New York their postings of their choir is very inspiring for other students and teachers to watch. Below is a Link to their Blog where you can view their journey to also experience their success.View This Amazing Group

We as teachers sometimes also need inspiration and some of the podcasts we have been able to view are wonderful for our direction as teachers. Attached you can view one of those videos I became very inspired over. Dr. Randy Pausch gave a lecture at the University he taught at and the Title of the Lecture was The Last Lecture. The point of the lecture was a tradition by the college that when someone was retiring they would give a last lecture, but in this case, Dr. Pausch was not retiring, he was dying. This video is so moving, inspiring and motivating it would have to be one of my most poinant reasons to post information to your blog. My friends who are teachers would also be inspired by Dr. Pausch's outlook in life, even in the shadow of death. Dr. Pausch

Lastly students like to see that we are concerned enough about their work to take the time to both show them how to post and manipulate technology, but also the parents benefit by being able to experience their children's lives when they are in school and the parents cannot always be there. The school I have been communicating with in New Zeland is a wonderful example of how the students, parents, other teachers, the school and even the community call all benefit from a little extra time to post student excellence for everyone to see.Pt England

Friday, October 30, 2009

Friendly Letter by Kimball H.

Below you can read a letter from a child I am corresponding with, He will be going to Halloween tomorrow night and is really excited. After Halloween he will post a picture so I will post it for you all to view as well.

Kimball's Friendly Letter

Dear friend in Wisconsin,

Halloween is coming up soon. What are you wearing for Halloween? Last year I got 600 pieces of candy counting my brother and sisters candy. Also, I can't wait to make my costume. It's going to be awesome, ugly, and scary. I don't know what my costume will look like. I am planning on getting 800 pieces of candy.
After trick or treating, I will go to a haunted house. I am not scared of haunted houses anymore because I conqered my fear last year. The haunted house I want to got to is out of town.
What will your costume look like? I bet it will look like Freddy Krueger. How many pieces of candy are you planning on getting this year. I am planning on getting 800 pieces of candy. Last year I got 600 pieces of candy counting my brother and sisters candy. The day after Halloween I will send you the picture.

Your friend,
Kimball H

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mubasshira and Seini-Mino from Room 15

Korero Pt EnglandMubasshira and Seini-Mino

Children in many countries are being allowed to take their learning to the Internet, wow it is really amazing the things students are doing these days compared to when I was in elementary school back in the 80's. We didn't even have a computer in our classroom much less the capability to talk to children around the world by skype, podcasts, email and all of the other forms of technology available. I just can't imagine where the next 10 or 20 years will take us.

These two girls really had great expression as they read, they were enthusiastic and fun to be a part of. I'm really glad that I have been made aware of all of these many options of teaching when I reach my classroom. What great fun it will be to let my middle school or high school students also keep track of a class somewhere, podcasting, videocasting or commenting.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kaia, The Hawaiian word for Ocean

Word Sample PicturesKaia Means Ocean

This video and Kaia's Blog takes this class to the next level. As a parent I really attached to this, wishing I could have had something like this from my son's childhood. In fact, it sparks my interest to try and do it now. I thought the entire process was brilliant. Her father is a brave and caring man to take this oppurtunity to document his children's lives in this way, while sharing his passion for technology.

I hope that I am able to embrace all of these applications in my classroom. How wonderful learning can be and as technology advances it is just fascinating how many possibilities when can not even dream of yet. I am so excited about the things I will hopefully be able to do in my classroom in a few years, that I did not even dream possible before taking this class.

Little Voices, Little Scholars

By: Ofa Room 5Kids Pix Program Drawing
I have recently been keeping up with some really talented students at a Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand. The students of Room 5. are a class of Year 2 children. They are reading and using technology to post their blog and also using technology called Kids Pix to draw on a computer an illustration of the story. I am amazed at what these 5 and 6 year old students are doing. Their teacher is really inspiring them, I believe, opening the world of learning to them at a young age. I applaud her and this school for their hands on approach to Education!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No Goggle is not making us stupid!

I believe that Google is the scapegoat for what is actually happening in our society, we are no longer using learning processes in the same capacity due to technology. 20 years ago a person's capacity to critically process information was much more in depth than we are required to perform today due to the advancement of technology in the workplace. So many more applications are actually performed for us today, thus clearing up time management and allowing new innovative management skills to occur.

I remember vividly when I was in high school spending hours in the library as a teenager researching information, actively reading and painstakingly reviewing material. Although I do agree that Google has changed our ability to research and put our hands on material, I do not find this to be a bad thing. I for one am thoroughly pleased with this technology advancement and enjoy surfing the web at home, not having to brave the cruel world. I also am an example of someone who knows that we are learning differently, however I know that I am not someone processing less for it! I feel in fact more informed now than ever before due to the opportunity to acquire information so readily.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Media Literacies Project

New Media Literacies Project seems to be taking the initiative that the education system has not taken on its own. Through this research it is evident that students of this generation are far surpassing adult expectation of capability. These students are producers of their world actively participating in the information stream. Many students are aware of social networking and networking skills before they are entering college. Yet, universities do not comprehend that the students of tomorrow are not learning as the students of yesterday. These students are actively ready to engage in a world of technology if only the world would allow them the capacity to experience the technology available.

Our world is multicultural, multifunctional and global. Students must be taught how to become professionals in the global market place. This project discussed how these young students are able to function on their own desire in the participatory fraction of the market place. No longer are students mere consumers of products they are the producers of goods and services desired by a consumer market. This in itself is changing our global economy and shifting the business world into a frenzy of sharks. These students in many ways are more capable of maneuvering the market place than generations past. This documentation is fascinating as well as motivating for a soon to be teacher to examine. In my mind technology unlocks the potential of our youth, if the key is presented with the knowledge of ethical behavior our future can and will project far more advances than conceivable.

Media Skills of the Future

New Media Skills are needed to navigate the use of technology today. Transmedia navigation would refer to being able to use multiple types of media and move from one to another smoothly. Multitasking skills are necessary in order to use multiple technologies. Visual skills, collective intelligence, and distributed cognition all represent ways we process information. These aspects are extremely important in reference to the large amount of information we are all processing daily.
Using the web we must understand how to use good judgment on the information we are receiving. Negotiate information between contacts in ways never before available. Appropriation and play assist us in understanding the new media world around us. When we are able to use simulation we will process the information more accurately and therefore performance will increase.
I have not been aware of these media skills per say, at least I cannot remember a teacher explaining these to me. However, as an adult student, I believe I possess most of these skills due to maturity as well as the capacity of critical thought and examination. Upon considering all of these skills thoroughly I would believe my ten year old son possesses very few of these skills in reference to his ability to navigate the web alone. This thought motivates me to believe that teachers must teach these skills to their students without fail to incorporate critical analysis of all of the masses of information bombarding society. I do believe that these skills are needed and productive for appropriate processing of information. Due to the fact that our society will continue to become more reliant on technology based professions, students must be aware of these skills.

Student Networking a Great Way to Learn

The teacher of the future sure does have big shoes to fill, or perhaps we should say a big world to wrap her arms around. Well, that teacher I am referring to is me! I have learned so much already this semester in my EDM class that I realize I had not even considered as possibilities for teaching my students in this new age of advanced technologically based learning. I myself have learned to embrace the internet as my own personal world at my fingertips, no longer having to exchange the comfort of my own home with the cold unforgiving library. Many hours of research, reading, searching and questioning which I experienced in the past as a student, are now minimized to the comfort of my home surfing the web and discussing with various individuals on face book, email, twitter, etc. my thoughts and theirs. The process of learning has gone from impersonal to active. The ability to travel the world regardless of your finance has encouraged a way of experiencing life never before thought possible. This next generation of technology will no doubt release our imaginations beyond our wildest dreams. I am very interested in further developing my ability to network which I believe will assist my students to better use the web tools available to them.

Why then has the education system seemed slower to catch on to the idea of networking more than the computers in the building? The idea of students learning how to network for them seem to be a critical thinking skill our next generation adults will need more than ever before. As I said earlier, the information stream has sped to such an accessible rate compared to 20 years ago, that students need to be taught how to manage this process of learning and thinking. Teachers of the future are going to need to teach students how to navigate the world not just a textbook. Many teachers will need to move out of the ideology that the classroom needs to be teacher centered but rather student centered.

As I wonder about my capability to become a teacher who leads and follows my students lead, I can’t help but question my previous knowledge of the understood set up of an average classroom. Can I learn to teach my students to network outside of our classroom, our town and state? Can I engage my students In the process of learning and teaching one another with all possible available ideas? I am open to ideas and believe in education. I enjoy creativity of others as well as believe in the capacity of the human experience to influence the world for a greater good.

Thus my answer must be yes that I want to embrace the ideas of teaching and learning that foster a more complex existence than I have understood in my education. No longer can students maintain isolated learning completely separate from the availability of technology, classrooms need to expand and grow to encourage the professionals of tomorrow.

How I Hope our Student's Can Dream

Mr. Richard Miller explained how the new Humanities are taking a form of fundamental learning to the next level and creatively writing with visual interpretation. I found this video fascinating and would enjoy learning how to teach in this way. I hope and pray for technology to continue on this path, to lead us to the capability of software that students can use for multiple learning styles to express themselves releasing the creativity of the next generation.

Far too long, American’s have seemed improperly focused on the aspect of numbers which mistakenly express the capabilities of the American youth to function at the same level as other countries. America is and always has been a place of free thought and ideas, so why then would our education system wish to stiffen the very uniqueness of the American Dream itself. Students of yesterday were allowed to dream impossible dreams, and image the unimaginable due to the possibilities of the unknown, yet today teachers are instructed not to encourage creative critical thought, but rather to teach students to pass standardized test in order to keep the status quo per the world. Why the same ingenious ingenuity of the old world wouldn’t, be fostered in the students of a great land full of extreme wonder and prosperity.

Mr. Miller stated that the Humanities and the Sciences needed to collaborate in order to assist in this change. I believe this to be true, as all science without creativity or vice versa can lead to a skewed view of the world. Without human thought coupled with technology what good are the advancements in themselves? We are the Human race, with great feeling, emotions and motivation. From the ancient classical Greek world and its beauty to the technology of this new millennium, we as a race need to experience knowledge in a beautiful way. This version of experiencing knowledge seems like a perfect example of how our future can encourage this generation’s ability to surpass our own awareness of what is possible, and allow them to continue to dream the dreams of childhood curiosities.

Friday, October 2, 2009

IPODS for Instruction

Click Here
Learning how to use Ipods in the Classroom

I am amazed as I have said before at all of the uses availabe with technology that many educators are not aware of, or if they are, the ones I know are not using. I am excited about implementing some of these aspects of teaching into my classroom and maybe teaching my co-workers how fun and exciting their own classrooms would be if they were willing to embrace a new way of thinking and teaching. We know that students are not learning at the same rate, or by the same applications on average in everyday life so I do believe it would be beneficial to explore all options of teaching available, even the ones that may seem unconventional by others.

As I researched I found the site Education World and thought it was interested due to the fact that it immidiatly cut through the chase for me and got right to the point dealing with the topic I was searching for. It gave me a link where I could view several differnt options for using Ipod in the classroom. Apple discussed how to "spark" their learning anywhere, a discussion and link to Duke University was abailable, which was interesting to read, and several other schools or applications. Duke's unique involvement was their innitiative to give all of their freshmen Ipods to learn with. I found this interesting as I was thinking about teaching in my own classroom as well. It would be so easy to do group projects then where all students could view the same thing and then meet back next class period ready to work with ideas. From a college standpoint, I thought how neat it would be if professors gave students a class off every month, to conserve on energy at the building, and they could Podcast a lecture for all of the students to watch.

A comment was made on this site that the site was difficult to move around in unless you were familiar with technology. Since I am somewhat familiar, I did not find the site to be difficult to move around it, but I do not know if a teacher who is not technologically literate would feel overwhelmed. I enjoyed the site, and even book marked it for my own personal use at a later date. It was not only useful for this assignment, but I believe it would be very useful to me as a teacher in class.


This is absolutely awesome! I really had NO idea of all of the uses of this site. My son has been subscribing to Itunes since he got a small Ipod a few years ago. My husband and I were not at all familiar with Itunes or its uses, however my son seemed to catch right on. He spent hours on the site, to the point that I was forced to become familiar with the ways he could use it, and the types of applications available. However, until this EDM class, I had no idea we could have been using Itunes U for his school work!

Tonight, I took time to look around on the site and see what all I could find. As a student I am convinced I will be using the site from now on. I looked through some of the classes I am now taking and searched for specific topics just to see what I could find. I am in West Civ I and so I decided to go and look up the Persian Wars. I was able to listen to several different Podcasts from University Professors around the world speaking on the topic. I even went and listend to some of the readings of Homer's Odyssey since we just finished discussing that in class as well. Next I went to look up some topics on Economics since that is also a class I am taking this semester. I found that I could easily pick a Chapter and a topic and listen to a professor lecture on the very topic I heard a lecture on this week. It was fascinating.

Once I begin teaching I do believe that there will be numerous ways I can use this site. If we are discussing a specific topic I can look it up and have things saved and ready to pull up in class. I can show the students pictures of the area, listen to comments made from others on the topic, or maybe find aspects of the study that are left out of our text. Again, I was pleased with the possibilities available with this site for my teaching oppurtunities.

Dr. Christie's expert advice....

Dr. Christie wrote some interested facts and ideas, however considering I am studing to be a history teacher, the most interesting aspect for me was the GPS usage in class. I have so much to learn and I cannot wait to actually start teaching to continue my education process! Dr. Christie's site will be very useful for me I'm sure in several ways, but I really loved her ideas for the GPS lesson plans. She discussed some things I am aware of in reference to using GPS, however I had never thought of it being possible as part of a lesson. That is the most interesting aspect of technology to me, the more I learn about technology, the more I learn how to think outside of the box I grew up learning in.

GPS receivers and geocaching is definitely something I will look into for use in my classroom. It will be a wonderful way to connect past and present for students who are learning completely different than the way I did as a student 20 years ago. Dr. Christie explained specifically how you can use the system for lessons, experiments, or activiites. As I was reading I also was thinking how fun it would be to have group activities using the GPS system or geocaching. Also using Google Earth will enhance our class experience. I am so amazed at all of the oppurtunities technology offers now, and will offer. I am excited about all of the oppurtunities to come!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why do people want to be dishonest?

I enjoyed looking up information on Wikipedia and hate to hear that people in such high positions are using such unethical behavior. I do not believe however that any of us can trust Wikipedia any further until the process by which Wikipedia allows individuals to post correction or additives is changed. Why wouldn't they want their names or their User names to be listed unless they are up to no good? Therefore my proposal would be that Wikipedia needs to consider finding some way to monitor the posts in order to maintain the integrity of the site. Perhaps they should force people who wish to make posts to sign in acquiring a user name. Or if they do not wish to have User names they could cause the person who is trying to make a post to attach their names. Other than that the only way I see Wikipedia regaining its credibility is to possibly attach the site to an actual encyclopedia website, so that the information can be checked before it is posted. It is so sad that this type of thing has to be monitored, but as usual a few people ruin it for everybody.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture isn’t his Last Word!

Source-Windows Sample Pictures
This man is beyond amazing, which I am sure anyone who ever had the distinct pleasure of knowing him, would agree with. His ability to speak so precisely and clearly about the topic of Education was both comforting as well as inspiring. Dr. Pausch was able to elaborate on a theme which Sir Ken Robinson spoke on, in one of our earlier assignments. Creativity to Dr. Pausch seemed far more important than the data that could be shown from a standardized test. Which I believe he touched on as he expressed the scores he had received on his GRE’s or Board Certification. He believed in himself, and he was lucky enough to have shown his abilities to people who could help him, who also believed in him.

The fascinating beginning of his lecture took us on a trip of where his dreams began. Dreams are what fuel creativity and Dr. Pausch was opening the eyes to these individuals to the fact that without dreams the work is not grounded nor truly founded. His expressions of how he had dreams as a child and how he had chased those dreams as an adult were what made him an extraordinary Professor. A man who could see the importance of other’s dreams, and help them to reach for those dreams, made him a visionary.

He touched on so many fundamental ideas of leading a productive life, perseverance, enthusiasm, love, respect, as well as how to interact positively with people from all walks of your life. All of these fundamentals as well as many more ideals of truth and justice, were his legacy to his students, as well I’m sure, to his peers. He believed in life being an exploration, full of wonder, and dreams and I believe he imparted this in his position as a Professor.

One aspect to his lecture I found particularly motivating was that sometimes walls are not put there to keep you out! Now I know that some people probably completely missed this point, and probably may never completely recognize this truth. However, I saw Dr. Pausch’s statement as an exact replica of some of the situations of my life. I found this a unique understanding from a man who had followed so many of his dreams, and imagined that he used this as an explanation to many of his students when they were struggling to reach their own dreams. Randy Pausch used his life experiences and his personal dreams to assist his students. His method of teaching was life is worth dreaming everything you can dream and working as hard as possible to reach it!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Did You Know 4.0

We previously watched a “Did you know?” video, and this one hit on some new topics. However both bring to the viewer's mind how quickly life has changed in the last 10 years, and how much it will change in the next 25 years. We are in more than a technology age, it is an awakening! As I quoted before it seems to be a type of Technological Renaissance or Revolution. We have to be multifunctional individuals now more than ever. Children today are far more technologically literate than most adults. They have learned more in their first year of school than most adults learned probably in their first 5 years.

The purpose of these videos seems to be to cause the population to wake up to the undeniable fact that Technology is here and we are going. If you are not willing to get on board, we will have to leave you behind. Adults and teenagers who are technology savvy will soon be unwilling to compromise or cooperate with those who are not capable of keeping up with the “new times.” In the past ten years, computer illiteracy has been of little or no consequence, however these videos and many other aspects of society seem to be clearly stating, Technology is the Future! Are you coming?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Is it okay to be Techno-Illiterate as a Teacher?

Source-Windows Sample Pictures
Wow, this question is amazing to me? Are we even having this discussion? I am an older student, and can attest to the changes that have occurred in the education system in the past 20 years. The field of education is far more technologically based now than when I was graduating from high school 17 years ago. Mr. Fisch’s discussion of this matter is meant to be taken I believe in the same manner as my opening statement, as a facetious statement. Do teacher’s need to be aware of technological advancements is to me the same as asking if the President needs to know if we are going to war! Teachers are crucial to the lives of children for the entirety of their education careers. Once these same students enter the work force it is directly related to some form of teaching that has been imparted to them within their lifetime. It stands to reason then that education is fundamentally responsible for the achievement of our young people in the world. Of course there are factors that encourage or prohibit individual student development. This is not the topic of our discussion. Do teachers have a responsibility to their students to become literate in technology? Fundamentally yes they do.

How can a student be educated by a teacher who does not understand the world from which that student is living now, or will enter upon graduation? Mr. Fisch stated that a teacher needs to know how to do something to teach it. I completely agree. I also believe the most important comment that Mr. Fisch said was that teachers need to teach students that it is appropriate to continually learn throughout their entire life. Teachers do not “know” everything, how can they, the world is moving so fast, and there are so many different areas of proficiency. However, teachers “know” how important and powerful knowledge is, and if we can indicate the severity of knowledge, as a tool to achieve success, we have taught our student’s life’s greatest lesson. Success is not how much money we make; success is when one knows how to find the answers one seeks. Technology is a wonderful tool for which to seek knowledge.

Mrs. Hines Blog on Technology

Source - Windows Sample Pictures
This blog was truly informative and I agree with the premise of her argument. Teachers must understand that educating students is a labyrinth of opportunities. However the way in and out of the labyrinth is ever evolving, changing as our world and society change. Technology should enhance teacher abilities to impart knowledge or expound on the process of information gathering.

The 21st century will take our world into an ever increasingly technological advanced society. These advancements will continue to enhance life as we know it. We will have new advancements towards, transportation, communication, learning, entertainment, etc. However this is not a new concept. This has been occurring in our world since the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment. Technology advancement is nothing new, and it is not the technology that is “teaching” anyone. The advancements are due to individuals who are curious about anything and creatively solve problems. Thus, as a society we should understand that technology is the result of ingenuity and realize this is a fundamental skill for students to learn. Then we would reason that Educators have the responsibility to impart creativity and ingenuity to our students just as much as we have the responsibility to teach them subject matter. How better to encourage our next generation of inventors than to embrace and excitedly undertake the next generation of learning, with technology at the helm.

A Vision of Students Today:

Source-Windows Sample Pictures
The idea which Mr. Wesch was trying to portray was a pertinent topic for any educator to consider. Our world is moving so fast that certain applications are becoming outdated before many people even have the time to learn them. Basically, just as many people become familiar with a specific technological advancement, there is a new improved version of it available. The students made several points I found specifically pertinent to my life right now as a student, the cost of tuition, books, work load, and the hope of still maintaining some activity in my spare time that includes my interests. I liked the way the students went around the room giving different facts, even though some of them were difficult to read. It was a fast paced message, which also to me was indicative of how we learn today. Things are being pushed at us from so many different directions, sometimes we barely glance what was flashed in front of our face. We almost have to rely on all of our senses to process everything going on around us at such a high rate of speed. No longer can students sit in desks and write notes, listening to lectures. They need to be trained in the world of innovation, and coached in the process of critical thinking.

Mr. Wesch did a good job of explaining the idea he was trying to get across. Even the aspect of presentation was pertinent to how life is today, face paced, things coming from everywhere, and many different forms of information. However, I believe that the presentation could have been a little better if the students would have practiced there moment several times, being ready to pop up, not pulling their words down to quickly, or possibly using multiple students in place of some of the times one student had to change pages. One way of correcting the lapse in time where one student had to show two pages, might have been to have the person beside them ready to pop up the second half of the comment so the camera really didn’t even have to move. Another possible correction could have been for the camera person to practice moving the camera and focusing the lens, before this final presentation.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Next Generation Learning

How small our world is becoming, when only 100 years ago the world would have seemed too massive to grasp. The opportunities that technology is presenting in the field of Education, is merely astonishing. People can chat across the world, student’s can read, post, blog, email, twitter information to other student across the world too on research and presentations, or parents can view their children’s education daily.
The video I watched entitled, The Next Generation Learning, was exciting for me to view as a future Educator. No longer is learning one dimension, as the child said, “Children use to sit in desks all day, not anymore,” how exciting to think about all of the possibilities for tomorrow. Many children have suffered and been labeled with some type of learning disability, when often times they are struggling with the education method of the day. The new availability of technology for teachers to reach out with to students as more and more technology becomes available will surely revolutionize the world of Education.
I feel sure that I am going to take every opportunity to continue to broaden the world of learning for my students and expand their knowledge in the world of technology. Regardless to the subject area you teach, learning should be fun, and that is one aspect of education today that I find so fascinating compared to the past few years in which it has seemed more important to teach subject matter for standardized testing, than it has to make learning fun and interesting.

LangWitches Podcast

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to these ladies discuss technology and a conference they had attended during this Podcast. The ladies were merely eating and having a conversation and decided to share the conversation about what they had experienced during their conference. The conversation was lively, interesting, and it was easily related through this discussion the woman enjoyed and liked each other’s company.
Again, I believe it to be important to keep the Podcast interesting, and keep the listeners attention. The woman went back and forth from topic to topic easily and discussed very interesting points to becoming more technologically literate as a teacher.
One exact example in the conversation I found intriguing was how the woman said a presenter at the conference had used technology during his presentation. He was discussing how teachers could begin to use Flip Camera's in the classroom in many ways, as he was talking, he said, "Well let's see some of the ways," and went and typed on his twitter account, and people began to answer him right away with ideas on fun ways to use a Flip camera. Technology in this way is beginning to almost make learning three dimensional, and the possibilities seem endless.

Learning to Use Podcasts

After viewing the TechLiterateTeacher podcasts I am more aware of the definite distractions a video Podcast can present than an Audio Podcast. I deliberated on some of the possible pros and cons of the Podcasts, while considering the Podcasts I will be expected to create. I was specifically struck by the distractions of this video Podcast verses merely some of the Audio Podcast I have listened to so far this semester. Previously I listened to a Podcast, Kidcast, and Dan discussed some of the possible problems or special aspects to consider when creating a video verses an audio podcast. I completely agree and this will be of vital importance when we decide which type to produce.
If we are going to produce a Video Podcast, I think we should be very detailed in some of the visual aspects of the Podcast. As I am a multi-learning individual, the aspect of the background of the Video became a serious distraction for me to listen and relate to the topic. The movement of the individual people, and the facial expressions also became a focus point for me, rather than concentrating on the topic.
Rather Audio or Video, another aspect I decided would be of special interest to someone who is both an audio and visual learner, is that the conversation needs to flow easily, and the presenter’s need to be sure of what they are discussing. It becomes a similar distraction to the audience if there is a lot of silence in the Podcast, it is very slow moving, or of a monotone type performance. I think that if we are able to practice what we are going to discuss, have some pointers to keep the conversation moving, and be aware of how our body language can affect the audience if we prepare a Video Podcast, we will enhance the performance.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Mystery of Podcasts

After viewing six podcasts I am overloaded with Pod! I know very little about podcasting and have honestly never listened to any to my knowledge. I found several things interesting concerning the output of the podcasts. Out of the six, only one seemed to be a bad connection or feed. The EdTech Talk (Teachers Teaching Teachers) had a very disrupted sounding feed, where the voices sounded digital. This specific podcast must have been different in some way? The other five podcasts had a very clear sound.
What caused the one to have such a different sound? My interpretation after listening to all six, would be that somehow, the podcast for EdTech Talk was a conversation being transmitted through a Skype phone call where somehow the feed was being condensed and able to transmit through internet. However the other five podcasts sounded more like some type of radio feed that had been condensed and transmitted.
Dan from Kidcast, commented on how podcasting through audio was easier to manipulate than video. He referenced a syndicated media outlet while using the audio feed. He explained how the audio feed was simple because it had only one media element to deal with and then could be easily aired by a syndicated media. I soon found out what the syndicated media type was that he was referring to. MacBreak Weekly, and This Week in Photography both referenced a syndicated media which one could subscribe to. or would air your podcast at a reasonable cost.
Lastly, several references were made to media I am not aware of. Twit TV, netcasts, wiki, and interactive webcasts were some. If I were to make an assumption as to how all of these six podcasts were created my best guess with limited knowledge of this technology would be that radio, video, skyp, and internet transmission has allowed the feeds to somehow be condensed into a feed that can be transmitted through a fiber optic line. After thinking about this intensely, I find myself questioning my technological knowledge, since before this activity I thought myself fairly in the now. I understand how out of date I have become.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

University of South Alabama

Please visit the University I attend and use this link below.

Click here

Digital Smarts

I recently viewed a short video of a high school teacher who explains her method of teaching as one where she employs every available technology to her students and allows them the opportunity to teach other students, as well as her, any new technology being made available. As the article I read earlier, Did You Know? Implies, this is an extremely innovative way of teaching since technology is being released every day, month, and year that is deleting what we learned yesterday. She also seems to be inline with Sir Ken Robinson’s lecture, “The Importance of Creativity”, which explains students need the opportunity to take risks and not be afraid to fail.
Our society is going to have to find a new way of encouraging entrepreneurship in the youth of America in order for technology to continue at the rate it has for the last 50 years. In the days when immigrants where coming to America these people were taking great risks already, and were not afraid of any new challenge. Students need to be encouraged not to be afraid of the unknown, but to grasp it tightly, hang on for the ride, and fight as hard as possible not to let go. I am moved by Ms. Davis’s passion for teaching, and foresight, to understand her position in these students lives is far more than a mere year of their presence in her classroom. She is preparing them for the working world in a very disguised and obvious way, I applaud her.

Why can't students be creative and intelligent?

Source-Personal Camera
Sir Ken Robinson made many points I agree with in his lecture called “The Importance of Creativity,” and I highly recommend everyone view his lecture, or read one of his books. He is not only highly enjoyable to watch, and very personable, but I believe he will challenge them to rethink their idea of our education system. The ironic aspect to his message is, as an education major myself, I fully agree with his interpretation of the education system being that students are discouraged to be creative, unless they are in an arts related class. In my education there have been few teachers or professors to applaud any level of individuality seeming it easier for them to lump us all into a bucket and pour us out the same.
As an educator I hope to be the type of teacher who as Sir Ken stated, helps to develop the whole person. No matter what area of education I teach, I hope to find ways to encourage each student’s abilities not only mentally but creatively. For I understand as an adult student, information is forgotten, but passion will last a lifetime.

Did You Know?

The Industrial Revolution altered life for those in the 18th century in a profound way. No longer were people working with their hands using intense labor to complete a task. The ability for machinery to do the work of an individual at an alarming ease, must have been stunning to behold. Today our world is experiencing the same type of Revolutionary awakening. This revolution is one which is not only changing mankind’s physical output, but mental output as well. In essence the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, may well one day be looked at as a Technological Revolution.
The use of the internet has sparked a multitude of inventions and uses. Since the years when I was a teenager to what life is like for my son , every home has a computer, most family members carry cell phones, Iphones, Ipods, lap tops, and other gadgets of communication or entertainment. The short movie labeled Did you Know? is a prime example of how much life has changed in the last 30 years. It is strange to realize we as humans are becoming outdated as technology surpasses our own intelligence and abilities at an increasing rate. As the movie indicated we are outdated before we will even graduate from U.S.A. I believe technology is a great additive to life and has given human beings many luxuries. However, this video for me was a striking reminder of how much human relationships, work ethics, marketability, and individual worth has been altered due to technology. What will our grandchildren's sociological capabilities be, when technology in a sense is taking over human need to have a meaningful debate or conversation. Children are becoming technological junkies, and missing the point of how technology is meant to enhance our lives.

Friday, August 21, 2009

For My Classmates

The Sky is the Limit My name is Angel Shay Padgett. I am 34 years old, and willbe 35 in December. I am married to a wonderful man, Kevin, andhave a 10 year old son, who will be 11, in November. We justbuilt our first house, though we have owned a house previously.I have wanted to be a teacher since I was 15 years old, when I took World History my 10th grade year at Pascagoula High School. My teacher was so passionate about history, and the day I remember thinking, "I want to teach," was the day she announced we were going to watch videos about the Holocaust and she wept in front of the entire class after the video. She moved me so much, for I too had cried silently as I watched those atrocities for the first time in my young life. I have never forgotten her, though I have not seen her since I graduated in 1993. I hope one day, to complete my teaching degree and to affect a young person's life the way she affected my life. I choose to attend USA because it was close for me to drive, so that I do not have to be away from my family a lot. I love spending time with my family, and although I really want to finally graduate, I do not want to take any more time away from them than I have too. I hope that we are all able to look back at the end of this semester and feel satisfied at the time we have spent. When you feel overloaded try to think of a day that made you smile, like my picture above. This photo always makes me think of when I was a child, or lying with my son on our backs looking at the sky and guessing what the clouds are. I hope you feel peace during your time at USA, remember life is too short to waste a moment. Find happiness in your heart, and live a longer life! See everyone Tuesday!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome To EDM 310 Fall Course

Hey Everyone!!! I am so excited about meeting all of you and can't wait for this year to take off! I look forward to getting to know all of you better...Good luck with your Fall Semester!