Sunday, November 1, 2009

Google Wave!

Goggle WaveGo and See what this is all about!

Google Wave

Of all of the technology advancements we have learned about this semester the introduction of the GOOGLE WAVE system is the most fascinating to me personally. As I have stated before in previous blogs, I enjoy using technology and I want to use technology in my classroom, but I just do not have the time to search nor access everything. Google has truly taken the wonders of internet accessibility and combined user friendly applications for use with professional or personal networking at its finest! No longer will we need to blog at BlogSpot, twitter, facebook, email word documents, we can do it all right here on the wave. You can build your own Super Wal-Mart of social communication, collaboration, editing, planning, and much more.
I am really excited to see this idea become reality to view the true genius of programmers thinking out of the box. The use of the internet has encouraged society to be quick paced, on the go, clicking here and there, searching, and finding therefore we are ready to move to the next phase of using technology. Google Wave will be the future of connecting accounts in order to minimize time hassles of wondering around the internet. We will be able to mainstream our processing of both professional and personal tasks to create a more useful and productive management tool.

1 comment:

  1. Angel, I agree with you! I am too excited about seeing this become a reality. The internet helps people be fast and gives them much more information at once.
