Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome To EDM 310 Fall Course

Hey Everyone!!! I am so excited about meeting all of you and can't wait for this year to take off! I look forward to getting to know all of you better...Good luck with your Fall Semester!


  1. This was my first class and I really enjoyed it! I am learning something new and that is what school is all about!

  2. WOW I love this already! I have never blogged before, and honestly felt that I didn't have time for anything else. Being a mom and wife takes a lot of my time as it is, but I really like it so far. I am trying to figure out how to lay my page out, and all of the functions available. I have posted a picture of my "baby" Peanut, but stay tuned, because I am trying to figure out how to post multiple pics and post my family too! Please do not think less of me for posting my little Peanut first, I DO love my family, his picture just happened to come up first in my options off of my computer. Wink, Wink.. He is cute though, isn't he? See ya soon!
