Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Mystery of Podcasts

After viewing six podcasts I am overloaded with Pod! I know very little about podcasting and have honestly never listened to any to my knowledge. I found several things interesting concerning the output of the podcasts. Out of the six, only one seemed to be a bad connection or feed. The EdTech Talk (Teachers Teaching Teachers) had a very disrupted sounding feed, where the voices sounded digital. This specific podcast must have been different in some way? The other five podcasts had a very clear sound.
What caused the one to have such a different sound? My interpretation after listening to all six, would be that somehow, the podcast for EdTech Talk was a conversation being transmitted through a Skype phone call where somehow the feed was being condensed and able to transmit through internet. However the other five podcasts sounded more like some type of radio feed that had been condensed and transmitted.
Dan from Kidcast, commented on how podcasting through audio was easier to manipulate than video. He referenced a syndicated media outlet while using the audio feed. He explained how the audio feed was simple because it had only one media element to deal with and then could be easily aired by a syndicated media. I soon found out what the syndicated media type was that he was referring to. MacBreak Weekly, and This Week in Photography both referenced a syndicated media which one could subscribe to. or would air your podcast at a reasonable cost.
Lastly, several references were made to media I am not aware of. Twit TV, netcasts, wiki, and interactive webcasts were some. If I were to make an assumption as to how all of these six podcasts were created my best guess with limited knowledge of this technology would be that radio, video, skyp, and internet transmission has allowed the feeds to somehow be condensed into a feed that can be transmitted through a fiber optic line. After thinking about this intensely, I find myself questioning my technological knowledge, since before this activity I thought myself fairly in the now. I understand how out of date I have become.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you Angel. I am overloaded with podcasts as well. I also thought that I was computer literate and updated until this class.
