Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Mubasshira and Seini-Mino from Room 15

Korero Pt EnglandMubasshira and Seini-Mino

Children in many countries are being allowed to take their learning to the Internet, wow it is really amazing the things students are doing these days compared to when I was in elementary school back in the 80's. We didn't even have a computer in our classroom much less the capability to talk to children around the world by skype, podcasts, email and all of the other forms of technology available. I just can't imagine where the next 10 or 20 years will take us.

These two girls really had great expression as they read, they were enthusiastic and fun to be a part of. I'm really glad that I have been made aware of all of these many options of teaching when I reach my classroom. What great fun it will be to let my middle school or high school students also keep track of a class somewhere, podcasting, videocasting or commenting.


  1. What a lovely post this is. We really appreciate you taking the time to feature Seini-Mino and Mubasshira's podcasting work on your blog. They are talented 9 year olds! Your readers may be interested in checking out their actual podcast by clicking this link here.

    Dorothy Burt
    Pt England School
    Auckland, New Zealand

  2. Thank you so much Mrs. Burt I really enjoyed it and I know that those viewing my blog will also!
